$8/mo/person starting 4/1/23.  Includes unlimited usage (as available).  At end of month, usage will be tabulated for all users during the month, each charged the current per-monthly rate via a CORUM bill.) 

AS OF 11/29/2023, WS1, 2, 3, AND 4 ARE ESSENTIALLY EQUIVALENT.  SAME LICENSES, SAME MODULES.  This should make moving between them seamless.  The main difference is the GPU cards (see splashtop names for details on that).


 WS2 and WS3 are in-person (LSL S531) OR remote access via Splashtop, others are Splashtop-only 
LMF-WS0 (Windows 10 with Elements 4.3 (yuck))
LMF-WS1 (Windows 10 with Elements 5.4.2)
LMF-WS2 (Windows 10 with Elements 5.4.2)
LMF-WS3 (Windows 10 with Elements 5.4.2)
LMF-WS4 (Windows 10 with Elements 5.4.2)
 To request a Splashtop account Request an account (free for you).


 Data Storage :  Y-drive (IALS-Core-Shared) is a large server owned by IALS and administered by UMass IT.  To request a folder, your advisor should fill out this form.


 Reminder : Never save data to the C-drive on any LMF computer.  There is a script that will remove it eventually (and it does not send you a gentle reminder).