14) NIS Elements GA3 Dictionary – Tracking

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Time & Center (2D Object Position)Creates a table with the time metadata and X/Y position of the center of each binary object in a frame, considering the top left corner as (0,0). Using Accumulate Records on the output will give data for each frame of the file.
Time & CenterAbs (2D Object Position)Same as Time & Center (2D Object Position) but uses the center of the image as (0,0) X/Y coordinates.
Time & Centroid (2D Object Position)Creates a table with time metadata and X/Y coordinates from the top left corner of the centroid of each binary object, which weights binary objects by the intensity of pixels underneath them.
Time & CentroidAbs (2D Object Position)Same as Time & Centroid (2D Object Position) but considers the center of the image as (0,0).
Track Objects (2D Tracking)Tracks larger objects between frames, must overlap between frames to count. Tracked objects share the same Track ID but their Object ID may differ between frames.
Track Particles (2D Tracking)Tracking for objects that do not overlap between frames. Need to specify columns representing position and time. Lots of options for adjusting motion detection.
Time & Center (3D Object Position)Creates a table with the time metadata and X/Y/Z position of the center of each binary object in a frame, considering the top left z=0 corner as (0,0,0). Using Accumulate Records on the output will give data for each frame of the file.
Time & CenterAbs (3D Object Position)Same as Time & Center (3D Object Position) but uses the center of the z-stack as (0,0,0) X/Y/Z coordinates.
Time & Centroid (3D Object Position)Creates a table with time metadata and X/Y/Z coordinates from the top left z=0 corner of the centroid of each binary object, which weights binary objects by the intensity underneath them.
Time & CentroidAbs (3D Object Position)Same as Time & Centroid (3D Object Position) but considers the center of the image as (0,0,0).
Track Objects (3D Tracking)Tracks larger objects between frames, must overlap between frames to count. Tracked objects share the same Track ID but their Object ID may differ between frames.
Track Particles (3D Tracking)Tracking for objects that do not overlap between frames. Need to specify columns representing position and time. Lots of options for adjusting motion detection.
Feature DerivativeGiven a specified feature column and a time column, calculates the rate of change with respect to time between each point.
Motion FeaturesGiven time and position columns, returns a list of motion features if their boxes are checked. Includes lots of useful parameters (velocity, acceleration, heading, turning rate, etc.).
Track FeaturesLike Motion Features, returns various measurements that describe object motion if given time and position data.
Accumulate TracksIf connected to the output table of a tracking node (ex. Track Objects), for each Track ID, creates a list of the corresponding object IDs in tracked frames. Example here: track ID 15 corresponds to different object IDs, but Accumulate Tracks organizes all object IDs with track ID 15. A screenshot of a graphDescription automatically generated
Mean Sq. DisplacementGiven track IDs, position measurements, and time, measures mean squared displacement of each track ID (if table is grouped, default) or overall mean squared displacement (if ungrouped). Takes some work to set up the right measurements to input. Setup and graph of measured MSD shown here.
A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generatedA graph with lines and numbersDescription automatically generated with medium confidence
Export TrackingMakes a table of tracking measurements in a new tab of Analysis Results.