Sources and reference

All ChannelsProvides the combined color channels of the current image.

ChannelsProvides each color channel of the current image.

Combined ChannelsProvides both the combined channels and the separate channels of the current image. This is the node that is included when GA3 is first opened.

Selected ChannelsProvides two categories of channels: the channels selected in the drop down menu (Selected) and all others (Other).
MxN PixelsCreates a new channel of the specified bit depth and sets all intensity values to the specified value. Dimensions do not seem to matter.
Deep SimReconstructs the original image as a deep sim. Does not work without proper data.
Deep Sim z-stackReconstructs the original z-stack as a deep sim. Does not work without proper data.
BinariesIf the current image includes binary layers (ex. another GA3 was run previously to generate one), provides the binary layers as one channel.

Selected BinariesIf the current image includes binary layers, provides the selected binary layers as one channel (Selected) and every other binary channel as another (Other).

Single BinaryIf the current image includes binary layers, provides the selected binary layer.

ROIIf the current image includes a region of interest, provides it as a binary layer.

Load ResultsLoads results from a previously run analysis.

Load & ConcatenateLoads results from a previously run analysis and appends the input table to it.
Input FolderLoads records from a selected folder. Could not get it to load an Excel document or a CSV file, so not so sure how to use this.
Input NumberCreates a table with the written number as a single entry.
Input TextCreates a table with the written text as a single entry.
Color ImageImports an image from a selected file. The image can be used like an additional channel.
A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated
Binary from ND2Imports a binary layer from a selected ND2 file (a Nikon camera image file format, not a Miata).
Binary from CSVImports a binary layer from a selected comma-separated values file.
Table from CSVImports a table from a selected comma-separated values file.
Table from HDF5Imports a table from a selected hierarchical data format 5 file (a file type meant for storing lots of data that contains multidimensional array data and array containers).
Color to Single TIFsExports a color layer to a tag image file format file of the specified name in the specified location, which is a file type good for storing metadata. For multi-frame images, numbering needs to be set to store all the data as separate tif files.
Binary to SVGsSaves an input binary layer to a scalable vector graphics file format in the selected folder. Can choose fill opacity and object border opacity.
Split to MultipointConverts a single image into multiple nd2 images using an input table to determine multipoint regions. Can set width and height of multipoints.
Table to CSVExports an input table as a comma-separated values file in the specified location.
Table to HDF5Exports an input table as a hierarchical data format 5 file (a file type meant for storing lots of data that contains multidimensional array data and array containers) in the specified location.
Load Last ColorGets a previous color image from a loop stored with Save Last Color. Could be useful for tracking changes between frames.
Save Last ColorTemporarily stores the current frame so it can be used by Load Last Color and must be connected to it. Could be useful for tracking changes between frames.
Load Last BinaryLoads a temporary binary layer from the previous frame of a loop stored with Save Last Binary. Could be useful for tracking changes.
Save Last BinaryTemporarily stores a binary layer in the current frame that can be recalled later by Load Last Binary and must be connected to it. Could be useful for tracking changes between frames.
Load Last TableLoads a temporarily stored table from Save Last Table. Could be useful for tracking changes between frames.
Save Last TableTemporarily saves a table from the current frame that can be used later by Load Last Table and must be connected to it. Could be useful for tracking images between frames.
Visible ChannelsA tool for converting visible channels into images to present. Can change color scale from original to a psuedocolor scheme. Does not show up in preview, need to run analysis to see output.
A blue and green light Description automatically generated
Visible BinariesA tool for converting binary overlays into images for presentation. Can choose to show object IDs and set binary transparency.
A screenshot of a video game Description automatically generated
Visible TablesA tool for organizing tables for presentation. Does not display in preview, need to run analysis to see the output. I couldn’t adjust anything; the output just had a window with the input tables.
A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated
Save PicturesSaves the connected color channels so they appear after the analysis is run. This is the node included by default at the bottom of the window.
Save BinariesSaves the connected binary channels so they appear after the analysis is run. This is the node included by default at the bottom of the window.
Save TablesSaves the connected tables so they appear after the analysis is run. This is the node included by default at the bottom of the window.