Workstation status

Last week, IT team and I needed to reconfigure WS0, WS1, and WS4.  We are still recovering from a few unforeseen technical difficulties, but WS0 and WS1 and up (fresh…
Reservation times

Reservation times

Remember to only reserve the time you will use. CORUM is now set to charge for reservation time plus anything beyond that time. The reason for this is to allow…
Another hard drive dies…

Another hard drive dies…

Please be sure that you are constantly and consistently copying your data off of our microscope PCs. If you need ideas on backing up your data, reach out to us…
Need more Lens tissue?

Need more Lens tissue?

Send us a message on Teams! If you are shy, you can send an anonymous message on this popup. It's helpful for us to know when supplies are low 🙂…

A1R-TIRF users

We updated the software on the scope. Please follow instructions Jim posted on the A1R-TIRF channel on Microsoft Teams.

Fun with microscopy…

In case you are also addicted to Wordle, I figured I’d give you an alternative to the regular Wordle game. A microscopy-themed one that I will post here and there:…

Snow day

On days like today when campus is closed, the LMF is still open, but we will not be there to help. You can make use of MS-Teams chat as well…

FALL 2023

Need help with analysis? Ask Jim about analysis workshops, starting this Fall. 2 x 2hr session to become an expert at GA3 and AI.